O$431 hide browser at startup in development mode

David Swain dataguru at polymath-bus-sys.com
Thu Apr 2 21:23:59 EDT 2009

Hi Michael,

Click on the Omnis Studio version line in the sidebar on the left side  
of the Browser window (above the Libraries line). Then look just to  
the right of that. You'll see four hyperlink lines in the main Browser  

Startup (open)
About Studio

Click on the "Startup (open)" line. Notice that it now says "Startup  
(Closed)". When you next Quit and then restart Omnis Studio, the  
Browser window will no longer appear.



On Apr 2, 2009, at 8:50 PM, Michael Rowan wrote:

> I am sure I read in a post that theres a setting that hides the  
> browser window when O$ starts.  Can anyone remind me where it is?

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