NO: Wikipedia...

David Ferri david-ferri at
Sun May 25 15:32:22 EDT 2008

At 8:49 PM +0200 5/25/08, Rainer R. Greim wrote:
>Hi David,
>I like the school of your kids.
>I like wikipedia, but I will never accept it as a single source for everything.
>Thats why I still pay money for MS-Encarta and also use Google and other sources.
>And thats also the way I teach Janalie how to use the internet. Its cool to google around. Find interesting topic and get infos about related topics with other media like video, sound examples ...
>But u can only understand the world when u travel around. Next goal for Janalie is Australia to visit our relatives in canberra...

Hi Rainer,

You will love Australia.  We were there with the kids in 2004 and it still ranks amongst our best vacations.  Try and also go up to Queensland and see the rain forest and Great Barrier Reef.

David Ferri, President
Word Master, Inc.
320 Earls Ct.
Deerfield, IL 60015
Ph: 847-948-9600
Cell: 847-922-0080
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