Notation Session
Fred Brinkman
fred.brinkman at
Sat May 24 19:05:45 EDT 2008
Thanks Doug, I've asked Rudolf many times to speak but he's very busy,
I'll give it another try (maybe he's even reading this)
Would be nice to have somebody from Mitford, somebody who invented
Fred Brinkman
Fred Brinkman Consultancy
B-1000 Brussel
Mob. +32-474-838080
mailto:fred.brinkman at
Op 25 mei 2008, om 00:58 heeft Doug Kuyvenhoven het volgende geschreven:
> Hi Fred:
> Didn't Rudolf Bargholz do a session on notation a number of years
> ago? I missed that conference but heard tips and tricks from others.
> Notation is such a broad topic you could spend a week on it.
> Doug Kuyvenhoven
> Vencor Software -
> On 24-May-08, at 5:58 PM, Fred Brinkman wrote:
>> Still looking for somebody that can do sessions on $Notation... one
>> of those topics that everybody think they knows but do not... just
>> like OO... same story, everybody thinks they know but they don't...
>> Back to basics... there's so incredibly much new notation stuff
>> that a week of EurOmnis probably is not enough...
>> I'll ask RD for some brains to borrow, will keep you informed...
>> Fred Brinkman
>> Op 24 mei 2008, om 23:43 heeft Gavin Foster het volgende geschreven:
>>> or maybe there's a whole topic there for Euromnis in October
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