studio 4.3.1 findings - on a large app - its going well

Michael Houlberg michael at
Fri May 23 17:51:36 EDT 2008


I'm surprised you weren't bitten by the problem I'm having right now.   
It seems if you use these new OSX style toolbars on window toolbars,  
the window height is calculated from the bottom of the toolbar on the  
Mac, but on Windows XP (I don't have Vista yet), it is calculated from  
the top of the tool bar like it used to be.  This makes window sizes  
very different.  But the position of items on the windows is still  
relative to the bottom of the toolbar.  What happened to me was all my  
windows which had toolbars ended up with about 60 pixels of blank  
space on the bottom, because all the $edgefloat objects got shortened  
by about that much.

I just got through re-lengthening them, then dragged the library of to  
my Windows machine and on that platform the bottoms of everything drop  
off the bottom of the window by about 60 pixels.  It's a real  
problem.  If I tried to adjust the window height on $construct, all  
the $edgefloat items will just follow along so that won't fix it.

I wish I knew what to do.

Michael Houlberg
Houlberg Development, LLC

On May 23, 2008, at 2:02 PM, Doug Easterbrook wrote:

> just as an FYI to the list.     I've been through our app (large,  
> 2500+ formats, 30 gigs)
> - changed a few things on the mac to have it work with the leopard  
> look
> - threw it on windows to see what it looked like
> - rebuilt the runtimes so that it has our icons, etc
> - and built installers.
> we:
> - changed/inherited the OS-X property for hiding tools bars on 400+  
> windows ..
> - implemented the workaround on 3 windows that have multi-line tabs  
> on them because OS-X interface/leopard does not condone that multi- 
> line tab look (hint is to use kSquareTabPanes for those - it mimics  
> the old look)
> - found a small bug where we assumed that the toolbar options could  
> be contained in a short int (now needs a long int to handle all the  
> new toolbar options).
> - discovered a bug where windows shorten up when you change the  
> toolbar on a window under notation after it is open (those two  
> windows - we resorted to the 4.3 behaviour for now)
> - and shortened up a couple of windows.
> took a good day work to do it...   but I can say we are pleased with  
> the migration from 4.3 to 4.3.1.     Our app is out for beta testing  
> at some select places.
> yes, a bunch of work.   But not a lot of work and the feedback so  
> far is .. wow ... its leopard .. we like it.
> Doug Easterbrook
> Arts Management Systems Ltd.
> mailto:doug at
> Phone (403) 536-1205    Fax (403) 536-1210
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