O$ Detect #CTRL on window menu

Doug Kuyvenhoven omnisdev at vencor.ca
Fri May 23 11:05:13 EDT 2008

I don't think this is possible to trap with menus in Omnis Studio.

Ctrl/Option keys can be used for shortcut key combinations for menu  
lines, but I not for menu $events to the best of my knowledge.

Doug Kuyvenhoven
Vencor Software - www.vencor.ca

On 23-May-08, at 10:35 AM, Panikos Stavrou wrote:

> hello listers,
> I can't detect a #CTRL key pressed when selecting a menu line from a  
> menu install on a window menu bar.
> my window $keyevents is set to true, the #CTRL can be detected when  
> clicking ON the window itself,
> (on a button, a list, etc.) but not when selecting a menu line.
> i need the option when selecting 'Add Record' from my menu, if the  
> #CTRL key is used, to duplicate
> certain fields of the current record, otherwise to clear the fields.
> any clues?
> panikos stavrou

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