4.3.1 is out

Kelly Burgess kellyb at montana.com
Thu May 22 13:47:11 EDT 2008


I got that once, was as surprised as you.  Tried a second time and it 
converted fine - can't remember for sure, but I think the first time 
I dropped the library on the 4.3.1 app to launch it, got the error, 
and dragged the library into the open browser the second time, when 
it worked OK.


>I am getting an error in several of my libraries when Omnis 4.3.1 tries to
>convert it.
>"Cannot open a Unicode version of an Omnis Library in the non-Unicode
>  version of Omnis."
>  I have never user the Unicode version and they continue to open in the
>  previous version of Omnis 4.3.
>  Mike

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