Check component versions & update them (was Deployment on Windows Vista)

Geert Landuyt geert.landuyt at
Mon May 19 07:58:40 EDT 2008

pdfdevice and calendar can be checked using this approach of major  
and minor
it is also well documented in the examples of oWrite Plus

as for the frontbase dam, you have to instantiate an object for the  
frontbase dam,
without login you can use the .$damversion property (starting 1.7))  
which returns a 10 digit
(composed of studio version, dam version, build number)

next step is a way to update the externals (automatically or not)

However, following the new installation approach in Windows Vista
the xcomp directory is put in the Program Files, not in the user  
AppData directory
Will it ever be possible to update the externals ?


On 19-mei-08, at 11:23, Michael Monschau wrote:

> I use three digit version numbers through-out. (All my components  
> display these as x.x.x if you do Get Info or Properties on the DLLs)
> - Major Version for major enhancements
> - Minor Version for maintenance releases and minor enhancements
> - Patch Version for one maybe two bug patch releases that is only  
> sent to customers that have the problem.
> For the Omnis version I turn my
> 	major into the Omnis major version
> and my
> 	minor and patch digits become the Omnis minor version

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