Another "Queue set current field" question

Erik Hagemeijer erik at
Sat May 17 08:25:47 EDT 2008

Hello Inge,

As already said I think 'queue set current field' is activated by a  
$redraw(). I hardly use enter data any more, I have build my own  
system to enable fields for enter data because of limitations like this.

 From memory I have used a trigger in the default field (your field1)  
in the evBefore event to queue set current field where I want the  
cursor, based on the value of a variable set before the enter data,  
but that is a bit messy...

Met vriendelijke groet,

Erik Hagemeijer

Op 17-mei-2008, om 14:07 heeft Inge Bøhn het volgende geschreven:

> Hello list
> I have never been friends with the "Queue set current field".
> When I read the recent suggestions about "Queue set current field"  
> in complex grids, I thought I should try to understand the  
> elementary rules for this.
> I have no problems with moving from one entry field to another.
> When i write this in the entry field's $event method......
> On evAfter
> 	OK message  {Goes to field3}
> 	Queue set current field {Field3}
> ......the cursor moves to Field3.
> But when I try to do the same from a push button, I don't get it to  
> work.
> I do like this in the pushbutton's $event method.....
> On evClick
> 	Queue set current field {Field2}
> 	Enter data
> 	If flag false
> 		OK message  {False}
> 	End If
> 	OK message  {True}
> .....but the enter data starts in field1 (the first field) instead  
> of the second field where I wanted it to start.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Do I have to have another $event method? Or a $control method?
> Best regards
> Inge Bøhn_____________________________________________________________
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