Outlook Automation attachments
Michael Seall
ms at smartrack.co.uk
Fri May 16 08:01:48 EDT 2008
Thanks to Kelly, Rainer and Lucian
I'm going to play around with all of your various suggestions and see what
Thanks again
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly Burgess" <kellyb at montana.com>
To: "OmnisList" <omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com>; "OmnisList"
<omnisdev-en at lists.omnis-dev.com>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: Outlook Automation attachments
> Hi Michael,
>>But, the main question is, how can we determine which version of Outlook
>>the user has installed?
> Your code is probably calling GetAutomationObject('Outlook')
> That method is designed to find the most current version on a system that
> might have two or more versions. But since it does an alpha sort on the
> name, it's possible that Outlook9 would look newer than Outlook10 as well
> as Outlook8, so it would be good to trace your way through
> GetAutomationObject and observe when a given version name might run that
> risk on a system that has 2+ versions.
> I don't know that there *is* an Outlook10.. I'm just saying when one comes
> out, it'll be worth watching out for, but not an issue on a machine with
> only one version present.
> Kelly
> GetAutomationObject(pString):
> ; Create a list with a column for names of automation objects
> Do lExternalsList.$cols.$add('ExternalName',kCharacter,kSimplechar,100)
> ;
> ; Build a list of all Automation objects who match pString
> Do $root.$extobjects.Automation Library.$objects.$sendall(
> lExternalsList.$add($ref.$name),
> upp(mid($ref.$name,1,len(pString)))=upp(pString))
> ;
> ; Put the most current version of the Object at the top of the list.
> Do lExternalsList.$sort($ref.ExternalName,kTrue)
> ;
> ; Create an instance of the automation object inside a row variable
> Do lTempRow.$cols.$add('Object',kObject,con(".Automation
> Library.Automation\",lExternalsList.1.ExternalName))
> ;
> ; Return the object to the calling method.
> Quit method lTempRow.Object
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