O$: "Queue set current field" in complex grid

Doug Kuyvenhoven omnisdev at vencor.ca
Thu May 15 09:28:26 EDT 2008

HI Joe:

First set the current line in the datalist represented by the complex  

Then queue set current field.


Doug Kuyvenhoven
Vencor Software - www.vencor.ca

On 15-May-08, at 9:25 AM, Joe Brower wrote:

> Howdy, listers,
> Rather than fiddle with this, I thought I'd pass it by y'all and  
> give the
> list a little traffic. <G!>  I have gone through the list archives and
> Studio docs, and could not find this particular bit mentioned  
> anywhere.
> I need to perform a "Queue set current field" to a specific cell in a
> complex grid. The reason for this is because I allow the user to  
> enter empty
> or zero values into grid cells, and then check them once the user has
> clicked "OK".
> Example: Suppose I have a complex grid with data entered, 5 columns  
> across
> and 4 rows deep. My cursor is on line 3, column 4 when I click "OK".
> However, the empty value is on line 2, column 2, and that's where I  
> want the
> cursor to go after an OK dialog informs the user of the error.
> Currently, I simply have "Quit event handler (Discard event)" after  
> the
> dialog, which leave the cursor in its current position.
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Joe Brower

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